In business, a slogan (a catchphrase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a product or company) is as important as the company name. It allows you the opportunity to expand on what your business does. Your slogan should be geared to appeal to the needs, emotions and attitudes of a consumer, and be compelling enough to make consumers purchase your product or service. Deciding on what your slogan should be, is a decision that should not be taken lightly; it is something to take your time thinking about and to be 100% sure of!
Here are some tried and tested steps you can take to select one that will best fit your company.
1. Create an initial word list
Brainstorm a list of words associated with your product or service, ones that describe a tangible and unique benefit. The more ideas you gather the better.
Some questions to consider:
– What it does?
– Who it helps?
– What are all your unique differentiators?
– What are the characteristics of the product or service?
– What are the qualities of your clients?
2. Expand on your list
Take your initial list of words, and look up their synonyms. Add these to your list.
3. Step back and ponder
Look at your list, which ones jump out at you as being the most important to clients? Write these down.
4. Use your list to start writing
Look at the newer, much more condensed list of the words which you have considered as more important or catchy than others. Now, consider which words go together, and start writing out some sentences.
5. Repeat Step 3 using your sentences
Read the sentences over and over. Manipulate them. Reword them.
6. Ask for opinions
Take the sentences that work for you the most, and ask friends and colleagues for their opinions. This step is often overlooked, but it is important. A new set of eyes can see things from a perspective you can’t.
Some things to bear in mind when finalizing your slogan:
1. Keep it short
The shorter your slogan, the easier it will be for people to remember. Anything longer than 3 – 5 words will become jumbled and ultimately forgettable.
2. Avoid jargon
Try not to use industry-specific jargon words or concept words that make people think or have to calculate something in their heads. The words should prompt an instant image of your product and business.
3. Make it memorable
A brief, catchy few words can go a long way in advertisements, business cards, videos and social media.
4. Impart positive feelings about your brand
The best taglines use words that are positive and upbeat. For example, McDonald’s slogan, “I’m loving it” gives the audience good feelings about take out.
5. Highlight a key benefit
Isolate one key area of your business, and find a way to integrate it into the slogan.
6. Give them a rhythm, rhyme, and ring
A slogan longer than a single word should fulfill at least two of these three criteria: It should have a rhythm, it should rhyme, and it should have a ring to it. Slogans, whether read or heard, should be pleasing to the ear; rhythmic and fluid-sounding slogans are much more recognizable and memorable for later recall.
7. Stay honest
Be realistic, and find a clever but real way to emphasize your company’s perks.
8. Make it timeless
When you’re working on your slogan you want to think of its longevity. References to technology or phrases like “the only” are risky. Choose wording that can stand the test of time.
The ultimate goal of your slogan should be to leave your key brand message in consumers’ minds so that, if they remember nothing else from your advertisement, they’ll remember your slogan. It will promote a lasting memory in the mind of the consumer which in turn extends the reach of your business brand, product or service.