Summer has finally arrived and the festive season is just around the corner. And, like most of us, you are probably looking forward to some much-needed down time after a long busy year. Taking a break over the festive season – provided you use the time to actually ‘switch off’, relax, and rejuvenate – will enable you to return to work in the new year feeling revitalized, energized and motivated.

However long your break will be – whether a few weeks, or the bare minimum of holiday days – it is crucial to use this time well. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know how to unwind properly. We end up checking work emails on our holidays, taking calls from colleagues and conducting business from the beach.

While your work ethic is to be applauded, remember this is your precious down time that you’re squandering. You need time off to get outside of your day-to-day to replenish your mind and body.

So use the festive season to refresh and recharge your batteries, ready for the challenges ahead. A good, relaxing break will allow you to not only get clarity about what’s important, but to develop a new vision, priority and perspective.

Here are some ways where you can revitalise and get your mojo back over the festive season to return to work motivated and energised:

  • Use the festive season to fully relax and unwind. To do so you need to switch off, enjoy the time away from the office, and leave work to your capable colleagues. You need to “disappear” from the working world and let go of your usual “always switched on” work culture.
  • Take time out for tennis or board games, painting, collecting shells, walking in nature or watching the clouds. It all comes down to stress relief.
  • Slow down. Drop the habit of rushing from one place to another. And don’t over schedule. Give yourself time to follow your whimsy.
  • Be fully in the moment and enjoy quality, uninterrupted time with your loved ones, family and friends.
  • Laughter boosts our immunity, releases endorphins, and strengthens our relationships. So watch those corny comedies, retell jokes, remember funny family stories, and laugh, laugh, laugh! It really is the best medicine.

After some revitalising time away from the daily grind, then hopefully, like Barack Obama – who famously admitted to feeling “a little feisty” and “refreshed, renewed, recharged” from his vacation – you will also feel you can take on the world.